February 28, 2023
On Tuesday, Feb. 28, we will celebrate the Best of Newton Photography at the Carriage Factory Art Gallery!
The gallery will open at 6:30 p.m. for socializing, cookies and beverages. At around 7 p.m., we'll sit down for some Photo Show & Tell. These are brief, 3-5 minute talks, highlighting two or three of your photos!
I'm looking for four or five more people who would be willing to do a bit of show and tell. If you would like to sign up, please email me, sjack@newtonplks.org. You can also send me the photos you would like to show, and I will add them to our slideshow.
After Show & Tell, we'll have more time for socializing and exploring the galleries. The event will be over by 8.
Carriage Factory Art Gallery