Celebrate Florence Bessmer Day with a free concert for preschoolers and their families by award-winning musician Jim Gill, 6:30 p.m. Friday, April 4! Pick up your free tickets at the front desk starting March 17.
Jim is well-known for celebrating active play. In concert, he strums energizing rhythms on his banjo while everyone sings, dances and spins along to his silly, inspiring musical games!
The following morning, April 5, early childhood educators, librarians, and childcare providers are invited to a free workshop with Jim. KDHE approval pending. For more information and to register, click here.
During the week of March 31-April 4, learn more about the resources available in the children’s area, thanks in part to the Florence Bessmer Foundation, with a scavenger hunt. Families can pick up a clue sheet at the front desk, and after completing the scavenger hunt, return it for a small prize.
For Children Ages 0-5
Baby/Toddler Play Time (0-36 months)
Wednesday, March 12, 9:30-11:00 AM, INTRUST Room
Drop in for some fun with your babies and toddlers! A variety of play options will be set up around the room for you and your littlest ones to explore! No registration required. (There will be no Baby or Toddler StoryTimes on March 12).
Winter StoryTime Session Ends March 14!
Family (All Ages): Mondays, 6:30 PM
Baby (0-18 months): Wednesdays, 9:30 AM
Toddler (18-38 months): Wednesdays, 11 AM, & Thursdays, 9:30 AM
Preschool (3-5 years): Thursdays & Fridays, 11 AM
After a 2-week break, we will begin our Spring StoryTime Session on Monday, March 31.
For Children in grades K-4
Read to a Dog with “Love on a Leash” (ages 5-9)
Saturday, March 1, 11 AM-12 PM
Stop by with your children to read a book or two with these therapy dogs (or just enjoy some pet-love). It’s a great way for early readers to practice reading aloud in a relaxed, comfortable environment. No registration required.
Early Reader Book Club (for grades K-1)
Thursday, March 6, 4-5 PM
Children in grades K-1 investigate a fun picture book and follow up with a related activity. To ensure we have enough books for children to take home, registration is required. REGISTRATION FULL.
Kids in the Kitchen (Grades 2-4)
Thursday, March 13, 4-5 PM
Facilitated by K-State Research & Extension, this program is designed boost kids’ nutrition and fitness awareness while teaching them how to prepare healthy snacks. This is the last of six sessions. REGISTER HERE.
Stories and STEAM (Grades 2-4)
Thursday, March 20, 4-5 PM
Participants enjoy hands-on activities in science, technology, engineering, art and math! This month, we’ll do a float-your-boat challenge. REGISTER HERE.
Also, check out this “Adult and Me” STEAM Workshop, hosted by Lori and Craig of STEAMwSeniors on Saturday, March 1, 1:30-3:30 PM, at the Newton Senior Center.
First Chapter Book Chats (Grades 2-3)
Thursday, March 27, 4-5 PM
On the fourth Thursday of each month, we’ll discuss a new book from the First Chapter Book collection. This month, we’ll read The Infamous Ratsos, by Kara LaReau. Participants are encouraged to read the book ahead of time, and you can pick up a free copy at the front desk after you register. REGISTER HERE.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email Sara, srickard@newtonplks.org. or call the library at 316-283-2890.