- Twilight of the Thunder God – Amon Amarth
Amon Amarth is a Swedish Melodic Death Metal band that formed in 1998. A lot of their albums have lyrical themes of Viking mythology and the Viking age. 2008’s Twilight of the Thunder God is one of my favorite albums by them.
- Wolfcop – R – Horror
In the small town of Woodhaven, the worst police officer on the force must investigate a disturbance on the edge of town. The next morning he wakes with a pentagram carved in his chest, heightened senses, and body hair that’s growing at an alarming rate. To solve the mystery of his transformation he must take the case not as a man, but as a Wolfcop. This is a campy horror movie full of dumb jokes soaked in blood.
- Chilling Adventures of Sabrina by Roberto Aguiree-Sacasa – Comics
I’ve been a fan of the new show on Netflix and this comic is associated with the show. On the eve of Sabrina’s sixteenth birthday, she must make a choice between her destiny and her boyfriend Harvey. Unknown to her, a foe from her family’s past has arrived in Greendale and she has her own agenda for Sabrina. This compiles the first five issues of the comic series.
- The Hogfather – TV Miniseries
Terry Pratchett is one of my favorite authors and The Hogfather is Pratchett’s take on the holiday season. In Discworld, it’s the night before Hogswatch, a time when the Hogfather brings presents to the children during the mid-winter festival in the city of Ankh-Morpork. But when the Hogfather is kidnapped by a group of villains called the Auditors, the belief in Hogswatch could be lost.
- Hellboy Series by Mike Mignola – Comics
This series follows the title character Hellboy as he fights monsters and Nazis. The stories are compelling and character driven. The artwork is fantastic. This is a series worth checking out if you like monster mashup movies and folklore.
- We Already Lost the World – Birds in Row
I discovered Birds in Row this year with this album and it totally blew my mind away. Birds in Row are a three piece French Post-Hardcore band that formed in 2009. We Already Lost the World is their third album and is full of emotion. You can hear the emotion in this album in my two favorite songs “We vs. Us” and “Remember Us Better Than We Are.”
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